Samedi 27 Avril, 2024
"On their neighborhood walks together, a boy learns from his older sister all about the plants they see — magnolias that smell like lemon cake, creeping weeds that used to be planted for decoration, and even how dandelion greens can be eaten with spaghetti! But what makes a plant a flower, vegetable or weed, anyway? How can his sister tell, and how does she know so much?The boy’s head spins as he realizes how vast the universe is and how much there is to learn … until he resolves to le...
Canadian short stories are always a cause for celebration. Host Stephanie Domet is joined by Lisa Moore, editor, as well as contributors Sharon Bala and Ryan Turner to talk about what makes a good story, what attracts them to the form, and perhaps share who has written some of their personal favorites.
"Des rencontres déterminantes, des ravages climatiques, et des quêtes de vérité et de justice sont quelques-uns des éléments confrontés dans ces œuvres magnifiques. Quatre auteur·trices partagent ce que l'on ne voit pas toujours sur la page.
Olive’s friend has moved away, and Olive wishes she could visit her. A little green envelope, lost in the bottom of the desk drawer, knows how Olive feels. It, too, wants so much to travel, and imagines zipping up and down conveyer belts and bouncing along in a mail bag, on its way to deliver an important letter. An old postcard reassures that for every occasion, there is an envelope … but it seems like it will never be the little green envelope’s turn.
Lancement de Elise Anne et Mimi
"Entre la taïga et la toundra, un jeune couple inuit du Nunavik se découvre et apprend à s'aimer. Accompagnés de leurs chiens, les qimmiit, Saullu et Ulaajuk parcourent un continent encore sauvage, tous libres et solidaires.Quelques décennies plus tard, une avocate est dépêchée sur la Côte-Nord pour défendre un meurtrier inuk dont les victimes sont d'anciens policiers de la Sécurité du Québec. Sa quête de justice l'emmènera au-delà de ce qu'elle avait imaginé.Roman vérité, Qimmik r...