Born in Montreal to Egyptian parents, Éric Chacour has split his life between France and Quebec. With degrees in applied economics and international relations, he currently works in the financial sector. His debut novel, Ce que je sais de toi, was published by Alto in 2023. It won the Première Plume Prize and the Discovery Grant from the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation, alongside nominations for the Femina and Renaudot awards.
Ce que je sais de toi

Sessions in which Éric Chacour participates
Saturday 20 April, 2024
These remarkable works address the pressures of conformity, exile, lifelong disentanglement, and grappling with darkness. Join our four authors as they share what we don't always see on the page.
Monday 22 April, 2024
Dans le Caire des années 80, un jeune médecin suit un destin tracé pour lui. Entre son dispensaire et le prestigieux cabinet hérité de son père, Tarek n’a que peu de place pour se poser des questions. Mais la rencontre d’un être que tout semble éloigner de lui mettra en péril son mariage, sa carrière et son coeur, ne lui laissant plus d’autre choix que l’exil.