Chloé LaDuchesse is the author of a noir novel, L’incendiaire de Sudbury (Héliotrope, 2022), as well as two poetry collections, Exosquelette (Mémoire d’encrier, 2021, recipient of the Trillium Book Award for Poetry, 2022) and Furies (Mémoire d’encrier, 2017). In her spare time, she likes to garden and tries to teach her cats how to sing. She lives in Sudbury, Ontario.
Photo credit: Francis Leduc
Sessions in which Chloé LaDuchesse participates
Tuesday 19 March, 2024
Chorus(es): Machine à présence poétique, is an interactive literary installation combining poetry, sound art and digital visual art. The Frye Festival, Galerie Sans Nom and Productions Rhizome are proud to partner in the presentation of this work at the GSN from March 19 to April 28.For more info: https://www.galeriesansnom.org/choeurschorusIn the center of a dark room sta...