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Language Into Art

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1:30 PM, Wednesday 30 Apr 2025 (15 minutes)
Université de Moncton - Salle Richelieu - Pavillon Léopold-Taillon

As a visual artist and writer, I am interested in the slippages, grey areas, and common ground that connects literary use of language with how language is used in the visual arts. I will look at the ways in which visual artists have taken up literary forms and conventions in work made primarily for a visual and media art audience (ie. Goldin+Senneby). I will also compare and contrast how the idea of the ‘book object’ operates from the perspectives of literary publishing and art world publishing. I will examine the two solitudes of art and literature considering my own attempts to open a hybrid space between the visual arts and literary practices.

David Clark is an award-winning artist, filmmaker, digital artist, radio producer, and writer. His internet artworks 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein and A is for Apple are dream-like interactive essays that weave together stories, ideas, and wild digressions to produce a kind of literary vertigo as he tackles questions about how we make meaning of our world through philosophical, logical, poetic, visual, accidental, and emotional means. He has and MFA in Sculpture from the Art Institute of Chicago and an MFA in Creative NonFiction Program at King's College in Halifax. He teaches Expanded Media at NSCAD University in Halifax. His work can be seen at

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