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Parallel Sessions B - TRANSPOSITION(S)

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1:30 PM, Wednesday 20 Mar 2024 (1 hour 30 minutes)
Coffee Break   03:00 PM to 03:30 PM (30 minutes)
Université de Moncton - Centre d'études acadiennes - local 178
Bilingual EN-FR / Bilingue FR-AN

Sub Sessions

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM | 30 minutes

Si traduire veut dire ‘transporter’ d’une Rive à une autre Shore, difficile d’ignorer la médiation opérée par le vaisseau qui nous y mène. Mais comment mesurer l’espace entre deux langues, deux cultures, ou encore deux facettes de sa propre personnalité ? L’oeuvre Entre Rive and Shore (2023) du poète « de l’Acadie » né au Québec et vivant en Colombie-Britannique, Dominique Bernier-Cormier (°1991), offre ...

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | 30 minutes

Thanks to technological advancements, medical education has evolved to the point of including digital tools such as three-dimensional printing, animated procedure videos, and realistic training simulators (Gajjar et al. 6). Yet, despite such progress, educational illustrations in medical texts reveal a severe lack of diversity, overwhelmingly consisting of white representation. This paper takes up the work of Chidiebere Ibe, who, relying on his own embodied experiences, became a social media ...

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