Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes

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418 643-4011
The Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC) reports to the Minister responsible for Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs and the Canadian Francophonie in the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (MCE). Its mission is to
- advise the Québec government on all questions pertaining to Canadian relations;
- defend and promote Québec's interests in Canada;
- see to the implementation of the policy on Canadian relations;
- see to the implementation of the Québec Policy on the Canadian Francophonie.
The policy on Canadian relations targets proactive domestic diplomacy in the conduct of Canadian relations. In this spirit, the Secrétariat has a mandate to coordinate all Québec government activities in Canada in order to position and publicize Québec among the representatives of civil society and Québec's federative partners. It therefore fosters dialogue and contributes to exchanges at all levels, including between individuals and groups in Québec civil society and elsewhere in Canada.
Our team

Maud-Andrée Lefebvre
Organization detail
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