Jack Wong was born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver. In 2010, he left behind a life as a bridge engineer to study fine art at NSCAD University in Kjipuktuk / Halifax. Now working as a children’s author/illustrator, Jack seeks to share his winding journey with young readers so that they may embrace the unique amalgams of experiences that make up their own lives. His award-winning books include When You Can Swim (Scholastic) and The Words We Share (Annick Press).
All That Grows

Sessions in which Jack Wong participates
sábado 27 abril, 2024
"On their neighborhood walks together, a boy learns from his older sister all about the plants they see — magnolias that smell like lemon cake, creeping weeds that used to be planted for decoration, and even how dandelion greens can be eaten with spaghetti! But what makes a plant a flower, vegetable or weed, anyway? How can his sister tell, and how does she know so much?The boy’s head spins as he realizes how vast the universe is and how much there is to learn … until he resolves to le...
Sessions in which Jack Wong attends
jueves 25 abril, 2024
viernes 26 abril, 2024
A novel about the unshakeable animosity between a brother and sister and a community increasingly divided as the feud spirals further into vendettas and violence each year. Through seasons of want and uncertainty, through predatory storms and pandemics and marauding privateers, it is the human heart the reveals itself to be the most formidable adversary each person faces. A pitch-perfect evocation of a lost time and a shadowed mirror to our modern politics of grievance and retribution....