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Christophe Collard

Professor, Academic Research Manager
Université de Moncton
Département de traduction et des langues
Uczestniczy w 6 elementy

Christophe Collard holds a doctorate in language and literature (Brussels, 2009) and has taught at universities and colleges in Belgium, Spain, China and the Philippines, as well as holding research fellowships in the USA and his second home, Canada. Author of numerous journal articles, he has also written a monograph entitled Artist on the Make: David Mamet's Work Across Media and Genres (2012), which was shortlisted for the 2014 biannual prize of the European Society for the Study of English. Currently a lecturer at the Université de Moncton, he combines his academic activities with writing and translation work for the agance Prokopê, which he founded in 2019.

Elementy, w których Christophe Collard uczestniczy

środa 20 marzec, 2024

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
14:30 - 15:00 | 30 min.

Si traduire veut dire ‘transporter’ d’une Rive à une autre Shore, difficile d’ignorer la médiation opérée par le vaisseau qui nous y mène. Mais comment mesurer l’espace entre deux langues, deux cultures, ou encore deux facettes de sa propre personnalité ? L’oeuvre Entre Rive and Shore (2023) du poète « de l’Acadie » né au Québec et vivant en Colombie-Britannique, Dominique Bernier-Cormier (°1991), offre ...

16:30 - 18:00 | 1 godz. 30 min.
Bilingual EN-FR / Bilingue FR-AN

środa 30 kwiecień, 2025

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)

piątek 2 maj, 2025

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)

Elementy, w których Christophe Collard attends

środa 24 kwiecień, 2024

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
11:45 - 13:00 | 1 godz. 15 min.

Join us as we travel down memory lane to celebrate 25 years of the Frye Festival!You can see the menu here. 

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piątek 26 kwiecień, 2024

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
11:45 - 13:00 | 1 godz. 15 min.

A novel about the unshakeable animosity between a brother and sister and a community increasingly divided as the feud spirals further into vendettas and violence each year. Through seasons of want and uncertainty, through predatory storms and pandemics and marauding privateers, it is the human heart the reveals itself to be the most formidable adversary each person faces. A pitch-perfect evocation of a lost time and a shadowed mirror to our modern politics of grievance and retribution....

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20:00 - 22:00 | 2 godz.
Bilingual EN-FR / Bilingue FR-AN
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