Drew Lavigne is the Poet Laureate of Moncton, New Brunswick. A member of the
editorial board at The Fiddlehead and host of the Attic Owl reading series. Recent work has appeared in Vallum: Contemporary Poetry, Tourniquet Magazine, and is forthcoming in Chorus with Productions Rhizome.
Photo credit: Annie France Noël
Sessions in which Drew Lavigne participates
terça-feira 19 março, 2024
Chorus(es): Machine à présence poétique, is an interactive literary installation combining poetry, sound art and digital visual art. The Frye Festival, Galerie Sans Nom and Productions Rhizome are proud to partner in the presentation of this work at the GSN from March 19 to April 28.For more info: https://www.galeriesansnom.org/choeurschorusIn the center of a dark room sta...
quarta-feira 20 março, 2024
This presentation will explore text messages and their connection to mythology and niche communities. The poet receives messages in the form of an image, word, or phrase, and the art of writing is then to translate those received impressions into an aesthetic composition. In my experience texting dialogues have been a sustained source of collaboration and creative insight. These communication technologies create new artistic infrastructure and allow niche communities to develop, and unheard v...
sexta-feira 19 abril, 2024
The Poets Flyés offer readings and kick off our festivities.