Exhibition Chorus(es)
My Session Status
Lunch Break 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM (1 hour)
Coffee Break 04:00 PM to 04:30 PM (30 minutes)
For more info: https://www.galeriesansnom.org/choeurschorus
In the center of a dark room stand a number of people. As you walk around the room, you can count six of them, calling out to the visitor: "Come here" "Psst, psst" They are poets. Six deferred poetic presences. A trace they've left behind, snippets of visual and sound code that a digital device makes interact. Among themselves, above all, but also with the people who visit the installation... all the poets begin to speak a stream of verses at the same time, yet they are not confused. Verse after verse. Quickly at first, then more slowly, until only one poet is heard. He says his poem - the others let him say it - and then gradually fades away, leaving room for a sound and visual framework. A landscape echoing the poetry... When the last word of the poem is spoken, the others return and call out to visitors once more.