Geneviève Laforge
Geneviève joined Assumption Life in 2005 as legal counsel, and was appointed senior legal counsel and corporate secretary in 2009. Since 2019, she has held the position of Corporate Secretary and Director of Organizational Development.
Geneviève holds a bachelor's degree in civil law from Université de Sherbrooke and a bachelor's degree in common law from Université de Moncton. She is a member of the Quebec and New Brunswick Bars and holds the Certified Corporate Director designation.
She has always been involved in her community and has served on several boards and committees, including the United Way, Hospice of Greater Moncton and the Greater Moncton Chamber of Commerce, of which she was president from 2018 to 2020.
Sessions in which Geneviève Laforge attends
الإثنين 22 أبريل, 2024
Dans le Caire des années 80, un jeune médecin suit un destin tracé pour lui. Entre son dispensaire et le prestigieux cabinet hérité de son père, Tarek n’a que peu de place pour se poser des questions. Mais la rencontre d’un être que tout semble éloigner de lui mettra en péril son mariage, sa carrière et son coeur, ne lui laissant plus d’autre choix que l’exil.