Originally from Moncton, Ariane Savoie studied literature and film in Montreal, Los Angeles and Belgium. She first worked in film production before beginning her career in the international academic literary world. As a project manager in digital literature, Savoie has organized and participated in numerous events in Europe, the United States and Latin America. Ariane Savoie finally moved back to New Brunswick in 2022 and joined the Frye Festival team as Executive Director.
Photo credit: Annie France Noël
Sessions in which Ariane Savoie participates
الأربعاء 20 مارس, 2024
الجمعة 19 أبريل, 2024
The Poets Flyés offer readings and kick off our festivities.
Sessions in which Ariane Savoie attends
السّبت 27 أبريل, 2024
Decisive encounters, ravages of weather, and quests for truth and justice are some of the elements we confront in these magnificent works. Join our four authors as they share what we don't always see on the page."