Daniel Allen Cox is the author of I Felt the End Before It Came: Memoirs of a Queer Ex-Jehovah’s Witness, shortlisted for the Grand Prix du livre de Montréal and named a Publishers Weekly Best Book of 2023. Daniel’s essays have appeared in The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, Electric Literature, and The Malahat Review and have been recognized by the National Magazine Awards, Best Canadian Essays, and The Best American Essays. He is the author of four novels.
I Felt the End Before It Came: Memoirs of a Queer Ex-Jehovah's Witness
Daniel Allen Cox grew up with firm lines around what his religion considered unacceptable: celebrating birthdays and holidays; voting in elections, pursuing higher education, and other forays into independent thought. Their opposition to blood transfusions would have consequences for his mother, just as their stance on homosexuality would for him. But even years after whispers of his sexual orientation reached his congregation’s presiding elder, catalyzing his disassociation, the distinction between “in” and “out” isn’t always clear. Still in the midst of a lifelong disentanglement, Cox grapples with the group’s cultish tactics—from gaslighting to shunning—and their resulting harms—from simmering anger to substance abuse—all while redefining its concepts through a queer lens. Can Paradise be a bathhouse, a concert hall, or a room full of books? With great candour and disarming self-awareness, Cox takes readers on a journey from his early days as a solicitous door-to-door preacher in Montreal to a stint in New York City, where he’s swept up in a scene of photographers and hustlers blurring the line between art and pornography. The culmination of years spent both processing and avoiding a complicated past, I Felt the End Before It Came reckons with memory and language just as it provides a blueprint to surviving a litany of Armageddons.
I Felt The End Before it Came

Sessions in which Daniel Allen Cox participates
sábado 20 abril, 2024
These remarkable works address the pressures of conformity, exile, lifelong disentanglement, and grappling with darkness. Join our four authors as they share what we don't always see on the page.
lunes 22 abril, 2024
Sessions in which Daniel Allen Cox attends
viernes 19 abril, 2024
The Poets Flyés offer readings and kick off our festivities.
sábado 20 abril, 2024
À bord du tapis roulant, Spock, Astérix, Jean-Paul II, Mick Jagger, Bill « Spaceman » Lee, Bob Barker, Greta Thunberg et bien d’autres sont convoqués tour à tour pour illustrer l’impasse vers laquelle se dirige la société de consommation. La méduse est un récit qui témoigne de l’importance de prendre la main qui nous est tendue pour que les ténèbres de la maladie et du deuil se dissipent enfin.Les bédéistes Paul Bossé et Boum ...
martes 23 abril, 2024
Chris est abandonné par sa mère le jour de ses dix-huit ans. Grâce à son cœur immense et à son attachante candeur, le jeune homme trouve dans le milieu populaire où il vit le soutien et la solidarité qui l’aideront à surmonter cette disparition. Tandis qu’il fait l’apprentissage de l’autonomie à travers les défis du quotidien, il deviendra un modèle de résilience et de courage pour les personnes qu’il côtoie.Pour consulter le menu,