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Olive Mazerolle


Aspiring Author

 Olive Mazerolle grew up on the most easterly point of New Brunswick in a small fishing village called Baie Sainte-Anne. Her life journey eventually brought her to live and work in Fredericton (1981 to 2004) and then transferred to Moncton where she retired (2016). Retirement allowed her to grow her passion for writing. She uses this new skill to share how one can grow beyond past traumatic experiences in her memoir: "Dancing with the Clouds - A True Story of Post Traumatic Growth" which will be available in May 2024

Her only hope for this, her first book, is that it can help others navigate their journey from traumatic experiences to living a good life.

Sessions auxquelles Olive Mazerolle assiste

Dimanche 21 Avril, 2024

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
15:00 - 17:00 | 2 heures
Bilingual EN-FR / Bilingue FR-AN

Dégustez un délicieux thé et des pâtisseries pendant que quatre auteur·trices vous partagent un aperçu de leurs univers et lisent des extraits accompagnés par l'artiste interdisciplinaire Martin Daigle.

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